A few years ago, I gave an artist talk at my alma matter in Indiana titled What Am I Doing? Over the past couple of years, I've continued to ask myself that question. This week, however, it's been a question that rears its head on an almost hourly basis.
Currently, I'm in the middle of thesis-making and explorations, and have confirm the question "What am I doing?" is relevant no matter what state an artist or designer is in (unless we're not making at all...which is a sad, sad state).
Context: While I'm not necessarily interested in re-presenting type or letterform, I'm curious how type-like forms can function within that environment. When you remove context, what does type become? Below are a few visual explorations I've been running down this week. In order to dial in my exploration process, I chose to use a phrase from my Sony headphones instructional manual "Handle the driver units carefully" which has very little meaning on its own.