We spent most of last week on the east coast with my husband's family. We hadn't seen them since December last year, so it was fun to catch up and spend time playing with our adorable niece and nephews. My sister-in-law is a phenomenal photographer (check out her work here) so it's no surprise that we've got great photos from the trip.
Photo Credit: Patch36
I'm sure it's no coincidence that I've got more than one photo against a blue background, since it happens to be one of my favorite colors. There isn't much that doesn't look good against blue.
Feet On the Hudson River Ferry from NYC to New Jersey
While most of our week was split between New Jersey, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, it was fun spend a few hours in NYC and even meet up with a friend. I also realized that while I love the quaint, laid-back vibe of San Francisco, I also kind of love the gritty, fast-paced thrill that is New York City.
Feet on the Porch. San Francisco feet enjoy 90+ °F temperatures. No seriously
As you may have guessed, there's more feet to come. I enjoy giving context and meaning to all of my feet photos, but there may need to be a feet dump soon. You won't mind, right?
Feet Portraits
My Feet series will introduce you to the places my feet go and other feet they meet. Some people take pictures of food. I take pictures of feet. There’s more to come. Enjoy.