Today is Day #1 of my Design a Day (or at least every work day*) Challenge for 2010. I will be posting a design each work day based upon the theme for the month. January's theme (or challenge) is to design a quote or phrase. *I realized right away that I wouldn't be able to create a design every day - my weekends tend to be hectic. Why set myself up for failure?
The quote for Day #1 is from Mark Twain.
As a print designer at heart working as the team lead at a web design firm, I grab every chance I can to design print materials. Every year Aptera hosts an open house shindig and our gracious owners pull out all the stops - food and drinks that make you drool just thinking about them and even a red carpet! Last year we had just moved downtown, so in keeping with the moving theme, I designed a grunge-style invite printed on chipboard. Cool and very inexpensive.
This year my challenge was to design an even "cooler" invitation that was right around the same cost. While I did go slightly over budget, I can say with confidence that this year's design made the cut for "cooler". My goal was to create an elegant, red carpet-style invite that was visually gorgeous and tactile.
Paper stock: Curious Skin Collection Inks: Silver metallic with a spot varnish Quantity produced: 1,500 Dimensions: 5" x 7" Type credits: GeoSans Light
I'm excited to debut my first font. Well, it's not complete because special characters and the lower-case is missing, and I haven't converted it to an actual font yet, but I'm still excited. For those of you who are type junkies, I'd love some feedback. I know there are technicalities that I've overlooked and if you notice something, let me know! Oh does it feel good to check something off my life goals list...well almost.
Today I presented my senior thesis project to the faculty. It's a huge stress relief to have it over with, but I still have details to finish. If you couldn't already tell, I'm trying to restrain my excitement and not post my entire show on my blog before opening night, but I thought I'd allow myself one last "sneak peak"