It's Monday, and that means Strike My Fancy 06 is here. Threadless caught my eye this week with a funky, kelly green hero image for their eco tees. Other image credits go to Counter-Print (books), Art Co-op (text), and Design Observer (bottom bar). Strike My Fancy is a collage of my favorite email marketing pieces to hit my inbox from the previous week.
Strike My Fancy 03
It's Monday and that means Strike My Fancy, your weekly sneak peak into my inbox is here. Beautiful things happen when Diesel and Banana Republic collide. Wouldn't you agree?
Image credits go to Banana Republic, Paul Smith, Diesel, Threadless, and Etsy.
Strike my Fancy
This evening I was planning to announce my new Commute Design challenge for the month ahead, but sadly, I forgot my trusty Virgin Mobile wireless card, which meant no world wide web on the train for me. And no www means no blog post. Rather than no post at all, I've decided to start a new weekly column called Strike my Fancy. You may remember that last week I created an email collage from emails that I'd been collecting over the past week.
I receive sooo many emails that I've decided it might be fun to give you a peak into my inbox each week. Here's week 2 of Strike my Fancy.
Images you see here are from Net-a-Porter, Apple, SWSX, Design Story, Uniqlo, Piperlime, Erdem: The Interview by Net-a-Porter, and Threadless