Over the next month or two, I've decided to take on a new and very exciting project. Most of you might know that my true passion is typography (any kind - I'm not picky) and so I've decided to embark on a project to help the world see type like I do.
Here's the idea:
When we're little, one of the first things we learn is the alphabet. Letters and words are the main focus of our first years in school, and throughout the rest of our lives, they are behind nearly everything we do. At some point, we become less interested and enthralled with those same letterforms. Is it possible to reinvigorate that interest? Or, could it be that letters and words have become so familiar that we no longer see the beauty.
Here's what I need you to do:
Check out the pictures below, write down (in your own handwriting - or something else if you're feeling creative) one word that you feel describes each image.
Then scan it, and send it to brookefrancesi at gmail dot com. If you prefer snail mail, just shoot me an email and I'll send you my mailing address.
Who is eligible?
Anyone and everyone! I want anyone who is 1 - 100 (and up) to participate. I'll be compiling all of your responses into a book and will be printing copies for everyone to enjoy. My goal is to re-invigorate appreciation for any and all types of letterforms.
The images: