The Creative Process
Words of truth from Kazu Kibuishi. Anyone who tries to tell you differently is lying.
More on Vampyroteuthis Infernalis: Culture
So much of vampyroteuthic behavior reveals it to be a lovable and loving being. An examination of our society, however, reveals hardly any evidence of human lovability. If anything, the following is true: For the vampyroteuthis, it is precisely love, the recognition of others [...] The natural state [of humans] on the contrary, is defined by universal hatred, by the universal struggle for survival — one against all. By overcoming its animality, therefore, the vampyroteuthis learns to hate; by overcoming ours, we learn to love. — Vilém Flusser
A problem of the highest order
Humans and vampyroteuthis live far apart from one another. We would be crushed by the pressure of its abyss, and it would suffocate in the air that we breathe. When we hold its relatives captive in aquaria—both to observe them and to infer certain things about it—they kill themselves: they devour their own arms. How we would conduct ourselves if dragged to its depths, where eternal darkness is punctured only by its bioluminescence remains to be seen.
Vampyroteuthis Infernalis: A Treatise, with a Report by the Institut Scientifique de Recherche Paranaturaliste is included in the required summer reading for my MFA program at CCA. I have yet to understand why this book is required but am fascinated.
All things imperfect.
Unpretentious. Earthy. Murky. Simple. Wabi-sabi.
Hoarding circles
Circles are everywhere. One can hardly take more than a few steps down the sidewalk without walking over, under or past them. Whether perfectly round or more than a little craggy, this shape is a continual reminder that everything in life will eventually come full circle. Collect them while you can.
Reflecting Forward
I'm not typically the type of girl to create a long (or even short) list of New Year's Resolutions. In general, I feel like creating of a giant list (or small) of things I'm not allowed to do that year is simply setting myself up for failure. A few years ago, I read an article that found people who write down what they want to accomplish are more successful in accomplishing their goals than those who don't. So for the past two years, I've posted a short list of items I'd like to achieve in the upcoming year. Sometimes I hit those goals and sometimes I don't, and I'm okay with that. Last year I wanted to:
1. Find my style 2. Learn letterpress 3. Apply to grad school 4. Learn something new about myself
I accomplished 2 out of the 4 items on my list. I wasn't able to learn letterpress because I started a job 4 days after I moved to San Francisco, and I didn't apply to grad school because of timing (and that one is going to be re-recycled for this year). So here's the list for 2012:
1. Draw and design for myself
Two years ago (was it really 2 years?!) I embarked on a 365 challenge to create 1 design per business day for 52 weeks of the year. I only made it through August, but didn't consider it a failure because I learned quite a lot about myself as a designer and artist during that time. Designing without any direction forced me to evaluate design choices, cultivate creativity and learn more intimately about what I was passionate about.
2. Blog more
This one relates directly to the goal in position 1. The more I create for myself, the more I will blog. Regardless, I've been feeling a lack of personal creativity in my life lately. Here's to banishing that in every way possible. (Image from Stefan Sagmeister)
3. Wear more dresses
No matter how many sequins I wear, I'm a tomboy at heart. I grew up around mostly boys and loved every minute of it. Not because they were cute, but because I loved sports and a good competition. I remember begging my cousins not to "go easy on me" because I wanted to be treated as an equal. However, with my semi-new pixie cut, I have a new-found desire to come across as slightly more feminine. Thanks to a vintage/thrift-store shopping trip with a great friend, I have a few new girly-girl dresses that are just slightly out of my comfort zone. A great start to this goal? I think so. (Image from On The Racks)
4. Apply for grad school
I know. You've seen this one enough, but this year I'm serious. A Master's degree has always been un-questionable for me and I'm not getting any younger. Now that I know we plan to be in the Bay Area for a while (and not New York or London), it's time to start getting serious. Really serious.
I'd love to know. What are your goals for 2012?