Inspired by clbeyer and Happy Foody, my husband and I are challenging ourselves to a raw diet this week! It's something I've been wanting to try for a few weeks and I count myself super lucky to have a husband who is so supportive and gung-ho about my crazy ideas. Tomorrow is our first day on a raw diet and we're trying Walnut Tacos.
I found this online and thought it gave a nice summary of what most people are saying about their raw diet.
"Going in for raw food serves as the perfect health improving remedy. A person tends to feel more energized after having consumed raw food and organic food also aids in helping you lose weight faster. Raw food gets easily absorbed in the body, thus helps in ensuring smooth bowel movements. Raw food ensures that the nutritional value of the food remains enzymatically and nutritionally intact.
Cooking food often deteriorates the nutritional value of food, by leading to a loss of vital nutrients and enzymes. Heat tends to change the very composition of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Also the cooking tends to interfere with the bioelectrical energy, necessary for sustaining life. Eating raw food goes a long way in cleansing your bloodstream and eliminating the waste products that are responsible for the formation of toxins in the body."
Wish us luck! I'll try to update throughout the week.